The Atomists
The conclusion of the Atomists that everything is made of atoms of different shapes that are infinitely small and cannot be divided is astonishing because it comes close to the idea of the modern atomic theory. What I liked about he idea of the Atomists is the idea of the void, in contrast to Parmenides' idea of the what is not, the void is not something unthinkable. For Parmenides the what is not, can't be reached and can't be pondered upon and it almost seems pointless, but the Atomists define te void as the space between atoms and a space that could be filled with atoms. This interaction makes sense because if the cosmos had no void, then space would not exist as well as what we can call relativity. Because there is room for atoms to move and interact the cosmos is ever changing due to the infinite number of atoms. It troubles me to think that the void itself is infinite because then every space between atoms is infinite. Like watching my computer screen now, there is atoms between my computer and my eyes and there is the space between those atoms which is infinite, so how is it possible that I can see through so many and possibly infinite accounts of infinity?
Good assessment of their views. I like your question about infinity.